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Image de Trini Calle Perez

How well do you really know Albi?

From April onwards, discover the red city every day on our guided tour!



Small Trains

The Occitan Small Train Company (CPTO) was created in 2018 by the "Ruban Bleu" group of bus operators.

Because human beings are at the centre of our concerns, we have created the Occitan Little Trains Company (CPTO), in order to make tourists and locals discover or rediscover the incredible cities of our regions: Albi, Cordes sur Ciel and Castelnaudary.

Visit the two unmissable places of Tarn, Cordes sur Ciel and Albi, or go along the Canal du Midi, in the Aude to discover the endearing Castelnaudary thanks to the Small Occitan Trains.

Our peaceful, fun and cultural formulas will allow you to discover the main sites of these remarkable cities.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Our cities open their doors to you through a guided walk that will reveal the secrets inscribed in the stone, brick and water of these exceptional cities ...


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